HOME-FOR-ALL establishes a Japanese NPO

HOME-FOR-ALL みんなの家プロジェクトがNPO法人を設立します


Home-for-All is a base for those who lost their homes or jobs after the earthquake and tsunami struck the north-eastern Tohoku region of Japan. A space to get on their feet again and recover a new life. 

In the weeks following the earthquake, 5 volunteer architects – including Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima, and Riken Yamamoto, led a call to action for young architects to help make a difference. To this day, 11 Home-for-All community centres have been built in the disaster area.
Until now Home-for-All projects have been developed on an individual basis and have been led by NPOs, sponsoring organizations or local residential associations. But now, 3 years after the disaster, operational burden of running the centres is getting heavier and heavier. Therefore we have decided to establish a single umbrella NPO, HOME-FOR-ALL to support each Home-for-All project. We applied to be an Japanese NPO on March 11th, 2014. the 3rd anniversary of the disaster and it will be fully established in August 2014. 



みんなの家は仮設住宅団地内や被災した商店街、漁港の周辺に建てられ、その主たる用途も仮設住民達の集まり、コミュニティの回復、子ども達の遊び場、農業や漁業を再興しようとするNPO団体の人々の拠点としてなど、多岐に亘っています。 みんなの家をどう運営するかは、これまでのところそれぞれ独自の体制で行われておりました。しかし被災から3年以上経過している今、みんなの家の運営体制は、資金的なことを含め、徐々に厳しい状況になりつつあります。そこで、それぞれのみんなの家の連携を促し、サポートしていくために、我々はNPO法人「HOME-FOR-ALL」を設立します。(2014年3月11日にNPO法人設立申請書を提出、2014年8月頃設立予定)。


What is the overarching purpose of the program? Though the projects have been set within a limited area and scope, we do have a unique opportunity to use our experiences to reflect on the paradigms of society and the construction of public facilities like these.
Each Home-for-All project serves 5 different but complimentary purposes.

  1. a place where bonds form between people

    Home-for-All aspires to create a warm, social place where people of the community can escape from their hastily-constructed makeshift homes and come together to find comfort in one another.

  2. a place for independent-minded activities

    The Home-for-All initiative began with the intention to empower disaster-affected individuals to get back on their feet. Each project forms a space for those who wish to proactively start afresh, and seeks to inspire “the spirit of new beginnings”.

  3. a place where dialogue is created

    From planning to design to construction, each Home for All project started with a conversation between architects, builders, sponsors, volunteers, and users. The process of creating dialogue promotes understanding and encourages communities to work together towards a common goal.

  4. a place to come together

    Home-for-All was started as a means to put the needs of people ahead of the needs of capitalist society. For this reason, Home for All hopes to cultivate hope, and restore the dignity of every member of the community.

  5. a place built with the fundamentals in mind

    Each Home-for-All facility fulfills the almost-primitive need of any social species for a public forum. It’s creation is an act that satisfies the basic human desire to form bonds with one another.

We hope you contribute to make more people deeply understand Home-for-All projects and help us achieve this mission.
Please subscribe to our newsletter and we will let you know when the full website and membership program is live. We have many exciting plans for enriching the Home-for-All communities.

  • Toyo Ito
  • Junichi Kano
  • Riken Yamamoto
  • Kazuyo Sejima
  • Yasuhiro Yamashita
  • Astrid Klein
  • Mark Dytham



  1. 人と人とを結ぶ場


  2. 主体的な活動の場


  3. 対話により創られる場


  4. 他者と共にある場


  5. 最もプリミティブな公共の場



  • 伊東豊雄
  • 鹿野順一
  • 山本理顕
  • 妹島和世
  • 山下保博
  • Astrid Klein
  • Mark Dytham


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